Henry Nolla's Carving Shed

There are two contemporary carvers working here at the Carving Shed. Please continue to hear “Feather George'“ Yearsley and Christen Dokk Smith share more about their craft.

These conversations with contemporary carvers, “Feather George” Yearsley and Christen Dokk Smith, were recorded in the historic Henry Nolla Carving Shed on Chesterman Beach on the Wickaninnish Inn property.

“Feather George” also shares memories of how the iconic carver influenced his craft and life, and how Henry Nolla’s legacy lives on through the Carving Shed.

“Feather George” discusses his own deep connection with nature and synchronicity of the gift of eagle feathers that inspires his delicate cedar carvings. Often you will find “Feather George” working outside for a front row view of the ocean.

Even through the carving shed door a tantalizing breeze carries the salty scent of the ocean and a glimpse of blue waves.

Christen Dokk Smith is a classically trained Norwegian carver who studied at the Viking Ship Museum in Oslo, Norway, and with local Indigenous carvers after he moved to Canada.

To learn more about Henry Nolla’s Carving Shed, please visit: https://www.wickinn.com/about/henry-nollas-carving-shed/


Driftwood Shelter (removed)


Wickaninnish Inn Entrance Doors